An emergency position-indicating radiobeacon (EPIRB) is a type of emergency locator beacon for commercial and recreational boats, a portable, battery-powered radio transmitter used in emergencies to locate boaters in distress and in need of immediate rescue.
In the event of an emergency, such as a ship sinking or medical emergency onboard, the transmitter is activated and begins transmitting a continuous 406 MHz distress radio signal, which is used by search-and-rescue teams to quickly locate the emergency and render aid.
The signal is detected by satellites operated by an international consortium of rescue services, COSPAS-SARSAT, which can detect emergency beacons anywhere on Earth transmitting on the distress frequency of 406 MHz. The satellites calculate the position or utilize the GPS coordinates of the beacon and quickly passes the information to the appropriate local first responder organization, which performs the search and rescue.

The Canadian Beacon Registry is an integral part of COSPAS-SARSAT, the search and rescue satellite system designed to provide distress alert and location data to search and rescue authorities. The Canadian Beacon Registry is co-located with the Canadian Mission Control Centre (CMCC) at CFB Trenton, for use by responders in search and rescue operations.
When a 406 MHz emergency beacon signal is received, search and rescue authorities at CMCC can retrieve information from a registration database. This includes beacon owner contact information, emergency contact information, and vessel/aircraft identifying characteristics and equipment. Having this information allows search and rescue services to respond appropriately.
Why Register a Beacon?
It is mandatory for all 406 MHz ELTs (Canadian Aviation Regulations 605.38) and EPIRBs (Ship Station (Radio) Technical Regulations, 1999) to be registered with the Canadian Beacon Registry. Ensuring that your 406 MHz PLB, ELT or EPIRB is registered, as well as updating the information regularly, will facilitate the task for search and rescue personnel in the event of a distress situation.
If you have a registered emergency beacon, it is important that the information be accurate. Please update the information in the registry:
if you move
- if you want to update the emergency contact information
- if your phone number changes, or
- if any of the important information in the registry changes such as colour of vessel or aircraft
The Canadian Beacon Registry is available to all 406 MHz emergency beacon owners to register new emergency beacons or to update their current information. You can add or update your emergency beacon information online, by faxing or emailing a completed registration form, or by speaking with a representative:
Registering your beacon helps to eliminate false alarms, which divert search and rescue resources away from genuine emergencies.
For more information you can view the "How it works" Youtube video and other information videos on the COSPAS-SARSAT YouTube channel.
Canadian Beacon Registry Pamphlet
Click here or on the image to download this as a pdf file.