Radio Procedures - regular calls

Radio procedures

Initial call to establish contact with another KNOWN vessel or station 
on a pre-arranged channel or on CH 16
 Name of station called (spoken three timesBIG DIPPER, BIG DIPPER, BIG DIPPER
 The words "THIS IS ..(your station or vessel)  THIS IS...
 Type, name, radio call sign of vessel calling (spoken three times)QUIGLEY, QUIGLEY, QUIGLEY
 Invitation to replyOVER

 Initial Call When a Vessel Wishes to Establish Communications with any Station Within Range (or Within a Certain Area)
 General call (spoken three times)ALL STATIONS (or ALL SHIPS IN JOHNSTONE STRAITS)
 The words "THIS IS ..(your station or vessel)  THIS IS...
 Type, name, radio call sign of vessel calling (spoken three times)QUIGLEY, QUIGLEY, QUIGLEY
 Invitation to replyOVER

Terms to use 
 ACKNOWLEDGELet me know that you have received and understood this message.
 An error has been made in this transmission. The correct version is...
 GO AHEADProceed with your message.
 OVERInvitation to reply/respond
 OUTThis conversation is ended and no response is expected.
 ROGERI have received all of your last transmission.
 STAND BYWait until you hear further from me.
 VERIFYCheck with the originator and send the correct version
 WORDS TWICEAs a request - Please send each word twice.  As information - I will send each word twice.
 SAY AGAINRepeat your last message