While the information on these pages is a summary of the regulations, and believed to be correct on the publication date, always check and rely upon original, updated documents from Transport Canada, ISED and other govenment departments. Some of these are linked below.
Detailed instructions for obtaining MMSI indentity for various situations
CPC-2-3-07 — Obtaining Identities in the Maritime Mobile Service

Radio Aids to Marine Navigation

The rules and regulations regarding marine radio are in the Radio Aids to Marine Navigation, commonly referred to as RAMN. It is published and updated annualy by Transport Canada.
Facilities information, giving the locations and operating channels of the Canada Coast Guard stations can be found in part 2 of the RAMN. Operating procedures are detailed in part 4.
Download the RADIO AIDS to MARINE NAVIGATION from Transport Canada
Ship Radio Station Licensing
Do I need a licence for the marine radio equipment on board my vessel?
You will not require a licence if you meet both of the following criteria:
- the vessel is not operated in the sovereign waters of a country other than Canada.
the radio equipment on board the vessel is only capable of operating on frequencies that are allocated for maritime mobile communications or marine radio navigation. You can verify whether the frequencies you use are in the maritime mobile band by referring to Regulation by Reference RBR-2.
If you do not meet both of the above criteria, you will require a radio licence. You can contact your local Industry Canada office for more information. All of the Industry Canada offices can be found in RIC-66.
Notices to Mariners (NOTMAR)

Provides you with the necessary information to update all of your charts and nautical publications. It will advise you of our new initiatives, services and also of some important announcements concerning the maritime community.
RBR-2 Technical Requirements for the Operation of Mobile Stations in the Maritime Service
Schedule 1 shows channel/frequency allocations for the various users, including NC [non commercial - pleasure craft]
These are the technical requirements for the operation of mobile stations in the maritime service. A ship station means a mobile station, including a hand-held radio, that is installed or operated on board a ship or vessel; and coast station means a fixed station that operates in the maritime service.
To find details on VHF channels, scroll down to page 5 of this document to look up Schedule I - Frequencies, Nature of Service, Type of Traffic and Area of Operation with Restrictions for the VHF Band in the Maritime Service
Cospas-Sarsat information

Link to COSPAS - SARSAT web pages
Application for MMSI identity - Canada
Application forms for MMSI identity