Marine radio certification

ROC(M) cardWelcome to the Restricted Operator’s Certificate (Maritime) course - ROC(M). This certificate is required by anyone using a marine VHF radio or other marine radios. Each person using the radio needs their own card. 

marine vhf mounted radio

When completed successfully you immediately receive a temporary certificate, and apply for the ROC(m) permanent card. The card fee is included with the course. The card will be mailed to you. This certificate is valid for life and does not need renewal.

You will learn the regulations, practices and procedures for operation. We will practice procedures and  discuss the requirements for the written and oral test.

marine vhf radio portable DSC model
The second evening includes a written and an oral exam. This involves demonstating knowledge of the phonetic alphabet (alfa, bravo, charlie…) as well as the procedure for a radio call.

Knowledge of the phonetic alphabet is a certificate requirement. It will be helpful for you to learn and practice the phonetic alphabet before the course dates. You can see the alphabet listed by clicking here or by checking slide 30 of the course presentation.